If you are interested in learning more about New Jersey elder law, I have written a book on the subject entitled New Jersey Elder Law: A Resource and Planning Guide.
New Jersey Elder Law is a concise (approximately 60 pages) statement of elder law. It includes a compilation and examination of professional and non-legal resources and services available to meet the needs the elderly.
This booklet is for anyone who has an elderly parent and has questions about Medicaid and Medicaid planning. You will better understand the basic estate planning documents—a financial power of attorney, advanced health care directive, and last will and testament—and the consequences of failing to have signed these documents.
Chapters include:
- Medicaid
- Medicaid Planning
- General Power of Attorney
- Advanced Health Care Directives
- Last Will
- Revocable Living Trust
- Guardianship
Callinan covers estate-planning, wills, trusts, guardianships; protection against elder abuse, neglect, and fraud; end-of-life planning; all levels of disability and medical care; retirement planning, Social Security benefits; Medicare and Medicaid coverage; Medicare planning; consumer protection, nursing homes, and in-home care; powers of attorney; physicians’ or medical care directives, and declarations.
It is a great resource for Law Firms, Libraries, Social Service Agencies, Private Care Facilities, Mental Health Professionals, and Accounting Firms.
Available as an eBook, New Jersey Elder Law contains hyperlinks to the full text of cases, statutes and other authoritative content. The eBooks are compatible with a variety of devices and readers, including Apple iPad or iPhone, SONY Reader, Barnes & Noble NOOK and Adobe Digital Editions for PC and Mac.